Saturday, August 30, 2014

The 50th Reunion events was a huge success!

A message from Jane about the successful Alumni Banquet, and the reunion on July, 2014.


July, 2014 :

Fellow Classmates –

To the Class of 1964 = I can't tell you all how good it was to see each and everyone of you. Our Reunion was fantastic. I have had to work everyday so far. Even worked tonite and back tomorrow at 5am. I know there are lots of pics on fb but I truly haven't had time to look. I will be sending you all that email as soon as I get my roster from Rita. You guys are the greatest. I Love You ALL. Please stay in touch. We will do it again in five - only on a smaller scale. Be Safe and God Bless. Will be back on here in a couple of days.

May, 2014
The 50th Alumni Banquet held at Crawfordsville High School on May 10th was a huge success.
At the last minute on Friday Night we decided to have a last minute get together – just to get warmed up for Saturday Night.  So everyone – except me (I had to work) – met at Creekside for supper.  Those at Creekside were Terry Burns, Rita Harpel-Deckard, Camille Dills-Bayless, Bev Douglas-Wilhoit, Susan Grier-Siebert, Judy Hughes-Bice, Joyce Kreps-Foye, Larry White and Penny White-Hendricks. From what I hear they had way to much fun!!  Of course, that’s what they were supposed to do.  Then I joined them at the American Legion.  At the Legion there was me, Judy, Rita, Camille, Susan, Larry, Penny and Larry Cooper joined us there.  A great time was enjoyed there.  There was no band but we made our own music!!       I only danced a couple of times.  After a great time at the Legion we all went our separate ways to rest up and prepare for the Banquet.
OH, WHAT A NIGHT!!!  Saturday Night
We all started arriving at the High School around 5pm.  We met in the gym.  What a reunion this was.  Everybody meeting each other again – hugs – laughter – memories.  Rita and Cathy were passing out name tags, information and corsages.  Each class member received a yellow carnation with a blue “C” in the middle of it.  Just like Pep Block wore in good ole 64. Well, here we are trying to get everyone together for the Class Picture at 5:30.  Finally got it done at 5:45.  Oops!!  We have one class missing and the picture has been taken.  Doug Galloway!!!  Not a problem.  Joe Boswell (photographer) finally got us all re-seated and we finally got the picture of all attending.  Those attending the Crawfordsville High School Alumni Banquet were:
Terry Burns, Jim Cantrell (Sue Rickett), Cathy (Bob) Weliever-Coffing, Rita Deckard-Harpel,  Janet (Bill) Detchon-Fagan, Camille Dills-Bayless, Bev Douglas-Wilhoit, Gary (Carol) Fine, Annette (Ron) Foye-Hitch, Doug Galloway (Marti Handman), Susan Grier-Siebert, Shirley (Vance) Harwood-Pyle, Gladys Higgins-Busse, Sherry (Jim) Horney-Long, Judy Hughes-Bice,  Jane Jones-Ryan, Joyce Kreps-Foye,  Bob (Linda) Little, Mike (Debbie) McCarthy, Charlotte (Jeff) Mikel-Davenport, Bill (Marilyn) Myers, Priscilla Olsen-Zachary, Bryce (Minta) Parker, Jackie Patton (Wally Ford), Pam (Marvin) Poore-Hart, Norma Sexton (Jim Whitt), Larry (Janet) White, Penny White-Hendricks, Joyce Wildman, Donna (David) Wilkinson-Orwig and Anna Yater.  That’s 31 Classmates and 19 guests for a total of 50!!  50 for 50 years.  Now that is something to think about.
Ok. Back to the Banquet.  After the pictures we all proceeded to the Banquet Hall for a wonderful meal.  Dave Long, Association President, started with the usual customary speeches of welcome.  Then we really got started.  It is customary to start the evening with our Fight Song performed by Montgomery County Civic Band and led by Gary Ketchum.  Well, this year we had an unexpected Leader for the Band for the Fight Song.  It was our very own Susan Grier-Siebert.  Boy, was she surprised!!  Of course, our Class was whooping it up for her.  She done us proud.  Congrats to Susan on a job well done.  We are proud of you!!  We all enjoyed a wonderful meal of ham, chicken, mash potatoes, corn, green beans, toss salad, broccoli salad, slaw, pies, rolls, ice tea and lemonade.  It was really delicious!  Terry Burns gave the Response for our Class.  I honestly didn’t know Terry was this good. If I ever told the truth, I’m telling it now.  What a great job Terry did.  Terry did our Class Proud.  Amazing what that boy can do when he puts his mind to it!!  I never had a doubt, Terry.  I was given the honor of doing the Invocation and Benediction.  To each of you, I am humbled and honored to represent each of you.  The very first time I have done something this important for the Class.  You have never seen me without words – but I’m telling you, if I hadn’t had my prayers typed out – I would have been without words!!  Nervous? Yes!!!  Thanks to you for allowing me to represent you.  OK, now the banquet is done.  We had our Memorial Celebration of Life Balloons ready for each deceased classmate.  We went outside the high school, passed out the balloons, had prayer and set them free.  Amazing!!  I wish you all could see them as they float up, up and away toward heaven in one amazing cluster.  We have this video taped and  you will be able to see it at our Reunion in July.  Now we have left the school and we are at Creekside .  Anna Yater and Joyce Wildman did not join us at Creekside.  However, Marylyn Crane, Mike Wright, Joyce (Jim) Esra-Anderson and Bronna (Bucky) Richards-Newsom joined us.  We had lots of snacks to eat and a few bubblies to drink.  No!  I did not dance here.  However, I did talk – no loss for words here!  Not for anyone.  Now I would like to tell you more about Creekside but I can’t.  I was visiting with everyone also.  I can tell you that lots of memories were made again.  Everyone I spoke with was really pleased and happy they could attend.  Everyone will be back for the reunion and more fun and memories.
Before I sign out of here, I would like to pay tribute to Priscilla Olsen-Zachary, Penny White-Hendricks and Bev Keller-Surber.  A very BIG Thank You to these girls for all their time and efforts in making table decorations and decorating each venue for our 50th.  The decorations were absolutely beautiful.  You will  be able to see them at our Reunion.  Great job, girls!!
I hope I have not left anything or anyone out.  If I have, please forgive me.  It was such a wonderful weekend for all.  If anyone else has comments about the evening, please send to me and I will forward to the Class.
A Very Proud Member of the Class of 1964 –

Thanks to Gary Garver for the pictures of the 25th Reunion


Official Class Picture for our 45th Reunion