Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Class Party, was held on July 10th, 11th and 12th, 2009....

Our CLASS OF 1964 (45th REUNION) Was a Great Success:


Hello Classmate and Friends,

Well, I know this has been a long time coming but it is finally here. We had the best time ever. It was so great to see everyone. Those of you who could not attend were severely missed. This is going to be a long email, so pull up a chair, get a coke, cigarettes (if needed) and turn on the answering machine!

If I have counted right (and God knows I need all the help I can get with this) we had 42 Classmates in attendance. Those who attended both Friday & Saturday night were (not in any order of any kind): Diana McGrew, Bob Little, Terry Burns, Cathy Coffing, JB Rowan, Rita Deckard, Janie Jones, Judi Hughes, Bev Douglas, Elaine Carey, Larry White, Tom Jones, Penny Zachary, Linda Duke, Janice Hunt, David Walls, Camille Dill, Dennis Crosby, Pam Poore, Donna Wilkinson, Shirley Patton, Pam Welsh, Mike McCarthy, Mike Smith, Penny White, Bev Keller, Frank Hoover, Greg Allen and Norma Sexton.

Those who attended Friday Night Only were: Gary Neel, Jacki Patton, Larry Cooper, Percy Olsen and Jim Miller.

Those who attended Saturday Night only were: Gary Fine, Gladys Higgins, Sherry Horney, Shirley Moore, Gary Jones, Annette Miller, Gail Thayer and Dave McCormick.

I think this is right. Of course, there were also spouses, companions and friends who attended. Quite a turn out - don't ya think?

So here's what happened. On Friday as people started arriving everyone at one time or another met in Room 100 (Janie Jones, Cathy Weliever & Judi Hughes were starying in this room). This suite was used as a Registration room and central meeting place all weekend. So throughout the day we all met and talked and guessed who each other were. Around 5p we started going into the Terrace to eat supper. Some did - some didn't. But no matter where you were or when someone was telling a big yarn about school days and those who were listening were laughing and having a really good time. At approximately 8p we started gathering in the Lounge. The Books with the Obits and the Memorial Pictures were put on display along with books of pictures of previous reunions. There was only one picture missing from the albums. It seems it never got placed in the album. I was not at the reunion where this picture was taken but I'm sure some of you will know what I'm talking about. It has to do with Mike McCarthy taking a swim in the pool at the Holiday Inn at a previous reunion. It seems he was missing something - like his clothes. Surely Not!! It is my understanding that Rita Deckard has this picture. It is also my understanding that if I told this I would be shot. So this could be my last email to you all. May I Rest In Peace. Anyway, back to the lounge. We all took a "Stroll" down memory lane and danced to our favorite songs of our high school days. We had door prizes and we danced some more. Everyone talked till the wee hours of the morning. Camille had trouble sleeping as did myself and Cathy. So we sat on the steps outside our room and talked till 4:30 in the morning. I'm getting too old for this! There were pictures taken, lots of dancing, lots of talking, lots & lots of hugs and all kinds of fun. There just aren't words to explain Friday Night. It was more than I had dreamed or expected. From the emails I have received, everyone felt the same as I did.

On Saturday, Cathy & I got up and went to pick up balloons for Saturday Night. Everyone did whatever they wanted. Lots of classmates were back at our room. Room 100 was a very busy place all weekend! Some played golf, some napped, some visited, some went shopping, some went sight seeing. It was just your day to do your thing. At 6p we met in the Restaurant to have dinner. Dinner was good and we had the waitresses all confused because we never stayed at the same place where we gave our order. But they found us anyway. After dinner, the photographer arrived and tried to get us all to stand still long enough to get a class picture. But Terry Burns just couldn't behave and kept us all in stitches all the time. But we finally made it thru class pictures, the pictures of the class officers and also pics of the Class Committee for this year. Some of us were seeing spots from all the flashes going off in our face - but we endured. After class pics we went poolside with our balloons. We had 14 Gold and 14 Blue Balloons. Each balloon carried the name of a deceased classmate. Terry Burns led us in prayer, Judi Hughes read off each persons name and we released the balloons. What an awesome sight!! They all stayed together - side by side - as they slowly drifted upward and onward - together - to a better place. We know they are waiting for us to join them there. For now they are here with us in our hearts. It was a very moving moment that is very difficult to put in words. They are gone but not forgotten. After the release of the balloons, Mike McCarthy distributed surprise - and I mean surprise - gifts first to the committee then to every classmate in attendance. Okay! We are done outside so we moved inside to the lower section of the dining room for the rest of the evening. Terry Burns was our emcee (?). Well, he did all the talking. For once my mouth was shut. Hard to believe, I know, but true. Terry welcomed everyone with a very short but nice speech. (Great job, Terry) Terry then introduced the Class Committee. After that we recognized everyone who had anything to do with the military. We also had Door Prizes again that we gave out. The big surprise was to me. The Committee and the Class in attendance presented me with a Willow Angel. For what? I dunno. They said it was for my work and emails. This was truly a surprise to me. I am so humbled. This I cannot write about because it still makes me cry. What an honor I have had to work with so many wonderful people. More importantly, what an honor to be a member of the Class of 1964. After all of this we got down to business again and started talking and doing whatever - again till the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday morning many of us met for breakfast before going our separate ways. It truly was a great reunion. As I stated at the reunion, it is my intent to keep the emails coming to you all for the next 5 years (maybe longer). We all truly want to keep in touch. I hope I haven't bored you with this email but so many of you wanted to know about the reunion. I tried not to leave out any details but I'm sure I have. So with that in mind, you'll have to come to the 50th so you will know everything. Besides if you all come, I won't have to do this loooong email again. I didn't type this much in typing class!

I will close for now. Watch for upcoming emails regarding changes to the roster. I have some email changes already. I will keep you informed.

Thank you all so much for letting me a part of the committee. It has been the biggest joy of my life to do this and a blessing to be part of such a great class.

Love to all of you!

Keep in touch,

For more information please contact Janie Jones Ryan at 765-918-0340 or

Link to PAGE 2 & 3"Classmate Bio& Photos Page"

To add your bio or class story to this website Send the story to CAwebmaster:

Check out the new site for the CHS Class of 1966 by Becky A.

There has been some positive comments about our class website on the Journal Review Webpage, "Guest Book Section".

"Can some one let me know how the youngsters from the class of 1964 can have a great website of their own to communicate and us wiser older (class of 1958) grads do not? We are working on our 50th reunion coming up and this would be super!"


Mike Walker (CHS, 1958)

Also check out our newest Classmate's Bios (Rita Smalling)and Gary Garver

Our class had a lot of very special people in it, and I still need about 100 more Bios !

Thank-you Rita & Gary
