Saturday, August 30, 2014

The 50th Reunion events was a huge success!

A message from Jane about the successful Alumni Banquet, and the reunion on July, 2014.


July, 2014 :

Fellow Classmates –

To the Class of 1964 = I can't tell you all how good it was to see each and everyone of you. Our Reunion was fantastic. I have had to work everyday so far. Even worked tonite and back tomorrow at 5am. I know there are lots of pics on fb but I truly haven't had time to look. I will be sending you all that email as soon as I get my roster from Rita. You guys are the greatest. I Love You ALL. Please stay in touch. We will do it again in five - only on a smaller scale. Be Safe and God Bless. Will be back on here in a couple of days.

May, 2014
The 50th Alumni Banquet held at Crawfordsville High School on May 10th was a huge success.
At the last minute on Friday Night we decided to have a last minute get together – just to get warmed up for Saturday Night.  So everyone – except me (I had to work) – met at Creekside for supper.  Those at Creekside were Terry Burns, Rita Harpel-Deckard, Camille Dills-Bayless, Bev Douglas-Wilhoit, Susan Grier-Siebert, Judy Hughes-Bice, Joyce Kreps-Foye, Larry White and Penny White-Hendricks. From what I hear they had way to much fun!!  Of course, that’s what they were supposed to do.  Then I joined them at the American Legion.  At the Legion there was me, Judy, Rita, Camille, Susan, Larry, Penny and Larry Cooper joined us there.  A great time was enjoyed there.  There was no band but we made our own music!!       I only danced a couple of times.  After a great time at the Legion we all went our separate ways to rest up and prepare for the Banquet.
OH, WHAT A NIGHT!!!  Saturday Night
We all started arriving at the High School around 5pm.  We met in the gym.  What a reunion this was.  Everybody meeting each other again – hugs – laughter – memories.  Rita and Cathy were passing out name tags, information and corsages.  Each class member received a yellow carnation with a blue “C” in the middle of it.  Just like Pep Block wore in good ole 64. Well, here we are trying to get everyone together for the Class Picture at 5:30.  Finally got it done at 5:45.  Oops!!  We have one class missing and the picture has been taken.  Doug Galloway!!!  Not a problem.  Joe Boswell (photographer) finally got us all re-seated and we finally got the picture of all attending.  Those attending the Crawfordsville High School Alumni Banquet were:
Terry Burns, Jim Cantrell (Sue Rickett), Cathy (Bob) Weliever-Coffing, Rita Deckard-Harpel,  Janet (Bill) Detchon-Fagan, Camille Dills-Bayless, Bev Douglas-Wilhoit, Gary (Carol) Fine, Annette (Ron) Foye-Hitch, Doug Galloway (Marti Handman), Susan Grier-Siebert, Shirley (Vance) Harwood-Pyle, Gladys Higgins-Busse, Sherry (Jim) Horney-Long, Judy Hughes-Bice,  Jane Jones-Ryan, Joyce Kreps-Foye,  Bob (Linda) Little, Mike (Debbie) McCarthy, Charlotte (Jeff) Mikel-Davenport, Bill (Marilyn) Myers, Priscilla Olsen-Zachary, Bryce (Minta) Parker, Jackie Patton (Wally Ford), Pam (Marvin) Poore-Hart, Norma Sexton (Jim Whitt), Larry (Janet) White, Penny White-Hendricks, Joyce Wildman, Donna (David) Wilkinson-Orwig and Anna Yater.  That’s 31 Classmates and 19 guests for a total of 50!!  50 for 50 years.  Now that is something to think about.
Ok. Back to the Banquet.  After the pictures we all proceeded to the Banquet Hall for a wonderful meal.  Dave Long, Association President, started with the usual customary speeches of welcome.  Then we really got started.  It is customary to start the evening with our Fight Song performed by Montgomery County Civic Band and led by Gary Ketchum.  Well, this year we had an unexpected Leader for the Band for the Fight Song.  It was our very own Susan Grier-Siebert.  Boy, was she surprised!!  Of course, our Class was whooping it up for her.  She done us proud.  Congrats to Susan on a job well done.  We are proud of you!!  We all enjoyed a wonderful meal of ham, chicken, mash potatoes, corn, green beans, toss salad, broccoli salad, slaw, pies, rolls, ice tea and lemonade.  It was really delicious!  Terry Burns gave the Response for our Class.  I honestly didn’t know Terry was this good. If I ever told the truth, I’m telling it now.  What a great job Terry did.  Terry did our Class Proud.  Amazing what that boy can do when he puts his mind to it!!  I never had a doubt, Terry.  I was given the honor of doing the Invocation and Benediction.  To each of you, I am humbled and honored to represent each of you.  The very first time I have done something this important for the Class.  You have never seen me without words – but I’m telling you, if I hadn’t had my prayers typed out – I would have been without words!!  Nervous? Yes!!!  Thanks to you for allowing me to represent you.  OK, now the banquet is done.  We had our Memorial Celebration of Life Balloons ready for each deceased classmate.  We went outside the high school, passed out the balloons, had prayer and set them free.  Amazing!!  I wish you all could see them as they float up, up and away toward heaven in one amazing cluster.  We have this video taped and  you will be able to see it at our Reunion in July.  Now we have left the school and we are at Creekside .  Anna Yater and Joyce Wildman did not join us at Creekside.  However, Marylyn Crane, Mike Wright, Joyce (Jim) Esra-Anderson and Bronna (Bucky) Richards-Newsom joined us.  We had lots of snacks to eat and a few bubblies to drink.  No!  I did not dance here.  However, I did talk – no loss for words here!  Not for anyone.  Now I would like to tell you more about Creekside but I can’t.  I was visiting with everyone also.  I can tell you that lots of memories were made again.  Everyone I spoke with was really pleased and happy they could attend.  Everyone will be back for the reunion and more fun and memories.
Before I sign out of here, I would like to pay tribute to Priscilla Olsen-Zachary, Penny White-Hendricks and Bev Keller-Surber.  A very BIG Thank You to these girls for all their time and efforts in making table decorations and decorating each venue for our 50th.  The decorations were absolutely beautiful.  You will  be able to see them at our Reunion.  Great job, girls!!
I hope I have not left anything or anyone out.  If I have, please forgive me.  It was such a wonderful weekend for all.  If anyone else has comments about the evening, please send to me and I will forward to the Class.
A Very Proud Member of the Class of 1964 –

Thanks to Gary Garver for the pictures of the 25th Reunion


Official Class Picture for our 45th Reunion

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Class Party, was held on July 10th, 11th and 12th, 2009....

Our CLASS OF 1964 (45th REUNION) Was a Great Success:


Hello Classmate and Friends,

Well, I know this has been a long time coming but it is finally here. We had the best time ever. It was so great to see everyone. Those of you who could not attend were severely missed. This is going to be a long email, so pull up a chair, get a coke, cigarettes (if needed) and turn on the answering machine!

If I have counted right (and God knows I need all the help I can get with this) we had 42 Classmates in attendance. Those who attended both Friday & Saturday night were (not in any order of any kind): Diana McGrew, Bob Little, Terry Burns, Cathy Coffing, JB Rowan, Rita Deckard, Janie Jones, Judi Hughes, Bev Douglas, Elaine Carey, Larry White, Tom Jones, Penny Zachary, Linda Duke, Janice Hunt, David Walls, Camille Dill, Dennis Crosby, Pam Poore, Donna Wilkinson, Shirley Patton, Pam Welsh, Mike McCarthy, Mike Smith, Penny White, Bev Keller, Frank Hoover, Greg Allen and Norma Sexton.

Those who attended Friday Night Only were: Gary Neel, Jacki Patton, Larry Cooper, Percy Olsen and Jim Miller.

Those who attended Saturday Night only were: Gary Fine, Gladys Higgins, Sherry Horney, Shirley Moore, Gary Jones, Annette Miller, Gail Thayer and Dave McCormick.

I think this is right. Of course, there were also spouses, companions and friends who attended. Quite a turn out - don't ya think?

So here's what happened. On Friday as people started arriving everyone at one time or another met in Room 100 (Janie Jones, Cathy Weliever & Judi Hughes were starying in this room). This suite was used as a Registration room and central meeting place all weekend. So throughout the day we all met and talked and guessed who each other were. Around 5p we started going into the Terrace to eat supper. Some did - some didn't. But no matter where you were or when someone was telling a big yarn about school days and those who were listening were laughing and having a really good time. At approximately 8p we started gathering in the Lounge. The Books with the Obits and the Memorial Pictures were put on display along with books of pictures of previous reunions. There was only one picture missing from the albums. It seems it never got placed in the album. I was not at the reunion where this picture was taken but I'm sure some of you will know what I'm talking about. It has to do with Mike McCarthy taking a swim in the pool at the Holiday Inn at a previous reunion. It seems he was missing something - like his clothes. Surely Not!! It is my understanding that Rita Deckard has this picture. It is also my understanding that if I told this I would be shot. So this could be my last email to you all. May I Rest In Peace. Anyway, back to the lounge. We all took a "Stroll" down memory lane and danced to our favorite songs of our high school days. We had door prizes and we danced some more. Everyone talked till the wee hours of the morning. Camille had trouble sleeping as did myself and Cathy. So we sat on the steps outside our room and talked till 4:30 in the morning. I'm getting too old for this! There were pictures taken, lots of dancing, lots of talking, lots & lots of hugs and all kinds of fun. There just aren't words to explain Friday Night. It was more than I had dreamed or expected. From the emails I have received, everyone felt the same as I did.

On Saturday, Cathy & I got up and went to pick up balloons for Saturday Night. Everyone did whatever they wanted. Lots of classmates were back at our room. Room 100 was a very busy place all weekend! Some played golf, some napped, some visited, some went shopping, some went sight seeing. It was just your day to do your thing. At 6p we met in the Restaurant to have dinner. Dinner was good and we had the waitresses all confused because we never stayed at the same place where we gave our order. But they found us anyway. After dinner, the photographer arrived and tried to get us all to stand still long enough to get a class picture. But Terry Burns just couldn't behave and kept us all in stitches all the time. But we finally made it thru class pictures, the pictures of the class officers and also pics of the Class Committee for this year. Some of us were seeing spots from all the flashes going off in our face - but we endured. After class pics we went poolside with our balloons. We had 14 Gold and 14 Blue Balloons. Each balloon carried the name of a deceased classmate. Terry Burns led us in prayer, Judi Hughes read off each persons name and we released the balloons. What an awesome sight!! They all stayed together - side by side - as they slowly drifted upward and onward - together - to a better place. We know they are waiting for us to join them there. For now they are here with us in our hearts. It was a very moving moment that is very difficult to put in words. They are gone but not forgotten. After the release of the balloons, Mike McCarthy distributed surprise - and I mean surprise - gifts first to the committee then to every classmate in attendance. Okay! We are done outside so we moved inside to the lower section of the dining room for the rest of the evening. Terry Burns was our emcee (?). Well, he did all the talking. For once my mouth was shut. Hard to believe, I know, but true. Terry welcomed everyone with a very short but nice speech. (Great job, Terry) Terry then introduced the Class Committee. After that we recognized everyone who had anything to do with the military. We also had Door Prizes again that we gave out. The big surprise was to me. The Committee and the Class in attendance presented me with a Willow Angel. For what? I dunno. They said it was for my work and emails. This was truly a surprise to me. I am so humbled. This I cannot write about because it still makes me cry. What an honor I have had to work with so many wonderful people. More importantly, what an honor to be a member of the Class of 1964. After all of this we got down to business again and started talking and doing whatever - again till the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday morning many of us met for breakfast before going our separate ways. It truly was a great reunion. As I stated at the reunion, it is my intent to keep the emails coming to you all for the next 5 years (maybe longer). We all truly want to keep in touch. I hope I haven't bored you with this email but so many of you wanted to know about the reunion. I tried not to leave out any details but I'm sure I have. So with that in mind, you'll have to come to the 50th so you will know everything. Besides if you all come, I won't have to do this loooong email again. I didn't type this much in typing class!

I will close for now. Watch for upcoming emails regarding changes to the roster. I have some email changes already. I will keep you informed.

Thank you all so much for letting me a part of the committee. It has been the biggest joy of my life to do this and a blessing to be part of such a great class.

Love to all of you!

Keep in touch,

For more information please contact Janie Jones Ryan at 765-918-0340 or

Link to PAGE 2 & 3"Classmate Bio& Photos Page"

To add your bio or class story to this website Send the story to CAwebmaster:

Check out the new site for the CHS Class of 1966 by Becky A.

There has been some positive comments about our class website on the Journal Review Webpage, "Guest Book Section".

"Can some one let me know how the youngsters from the class of 1964 can have a great website of their own to communicate and us wiser older (class of 1958) grads do not? We are working on our 50th reunion coming up and this would be super!"


Mike Walker (CHS, 1958)

Also check out our newest Classmate's Bios (Rita Smalling)and Gary Garver

Our class had a lot of very special people in it, and I still need about 100 more Bios !

Thank-you Rita & Gary


Thursday, February 19, 2009

1964 CHS 45th Alumni Reunion Pictures

The committee made balloons with the classmates names who have passed away (One name per balloon) on them. To check the names click on:
Classmates Memorial Page
on this website. We had a time of reflection and silence. Then we released the ballons together and watch them go up into the beautiful blue skies.

We will never forget our lost classmates.....

We will keep looking up and enjoy our friendship from our CHS years.

We hope to see all our living classmates together again for our BIG 50 Reunion in 2014.

Link to "Classmate Bio& Photos Page"


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More 45th Reunion Photos & SHORT Video

Watch a Short Short Mike & Janie Movie Click
(Play the movie slow or frame to frame)

I am still waiting for more pictures or videos from classmates.......

Saturday, December 09, 2006


This picture was taken in November, 2006 by the CAwebmaster's Love of his life. (CHS '66) This was in the middle of our 6,170 mile "Road Trip" which incluled a vist inside the new CHS! We were all very impressed.

The following is a copy of a comment sent in by Bob Stonecipher:
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:15 AM
Subject: Remembering John Michael:
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Tonight I stumbled upon a file I had written the night I learned John Michael had died. I had not planned to share it, but I have a great deal to be thankful for, and my friendship with John Michael was a wonderful part of my life.

I send this rememberence in the fervent belief that Mr. Blaney is no longer with us. It is with reluctance that I share it, and it would be impossible to share it if I knew Mr. B would be fretting about mixed tenses, dangling phrases, and unnecessary verbosity.
To all my classmates, a wish for a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
Bob Stonecipher
Despite being a member of the first baby boomers to reach 60 years old, I am always shocked to hear that we lost another class member. With time I accepted Al and Alan’s deaths. They died of speed. Our generation enjoyed speed. I enjoyed speed, even though numerous accidents and the totaling of two of my father’s cars proved I did not belong behind the wheel of a car.

We were fortunate. None of us lost their lives in Viet Nam. This is surprising, but it is evidence of our invincibility. I assumed all of us would live well into their eighties and most of us into their nineties. Still, the memorial list is starting to grow.

But the latest addition of John Michael to the list of deceased classmates fills me with grief.

John was my best friend. We were inseparable from the days of Mt. Zion elementary until graduation. In our elementary school days, Phil Merrill, John, and I owned all of the woods east of Sugar Creek and north of U.S. 136. Every mound of dirt had four feet deep holes where we had dug in anticipation of finding an Indian burial mound. Every overturned tree had an earth and post fort built around the upturned roots. We were prepared to defend our woods with spears and clubs made from hollow reeds growing near the creek. Phil moved to New Market before we were able to claim the entire woods, but John and I continued to increase our claims throughout the years until our early teenage years when we finally extended our woods to Yountsville. By that time we had discovered bailing twine and had lean-tos, full campsites, and rope swings throughout the woods. We improved our swimming holes and natural springs and built rope bridges across the gullies. We floated logs down Sugar Creek years before we rented our first canoe from Clement’s. Nature erased the evidence long before expensive sub-divisions covered our woods, but at one time those woods did belong to us.

Until age 16 John and I explored Montgomery County on our bikes. We would leave home early in the morning and return exhausted just before dark. Who would let their child or grandchild do that now. Was it our freshman year or the summer before our sophomore year that we discovered girls? We would ride a couple of miles down Mt. Zion Road to Cox’s Pond. There we would meet beautiful girls named Diana, Barbara, and Guyanna. The romantics that we were, we played “kick the can” long past dark until one of the mothers demanded we leave. I was in love with one of the girls but I do not recall a serious kiss. John dated the other two and I assume his relationship was equally platonic. On reflection, when my wife met him on our 25th high school reunion, she tagged him a “player”.

Our world was so small in those days. The Strand, the Drive-Ins,the strip between the Country Diner and Dog & Suds, and the high school were our complete world. I remember one big date that we planned for weeks. We purchased maps, asked friends, and even consulted our parents because we had needed all the information we could find. We had grandiose plans to take Betty and Mary all the way to Indianapolis and could not afford mistakes. Where we went eludes me. All I remember is the intense preparation.

In our senior year we discovered illicit liquor. We took great pride in scoring a couple of six packs or a fifth and hiding them throughout Montgomery County. I don’t think we had yet mastered the art of drinking to oblivion. Acquiring alcohol was much more fun than actually having to consume it. One winter weekend we decided to recover a six pack hidden under a bridge on Black Creek. We were worried it would freeze. The creek was near flood stage and the water had covered the ledge where the beer was hidden. I was the one elected to recover it. Hugging the side of the cement pillars, I waded knee deep in freezing water to the hiding spot. The beer was not where it was supposed to be. I found one can. Feeling with a hand and arm quickly turning blue, I located all but one can. There were four of us. Who were the other two? Anyway, once blood circulation had resumed, the four of us had to consume five beers. It had to take two hours to finish those beers. Gulp, gag, gulp, gag. Then accuse the guy next to you of gagging. Another gulp, gag. Why is the front passenger window open? “John! Are you pouring good beer out?” Denial. Gulp, gag.

We were such rebels.

The world, just like our woods, grew a little each year. One of our last trips together was during the summer following graduation. We took off to Cincinnati. Maps, and plans, and intense preparation were no longer needed. John had a date with Debbie Reynolds. She was a beautiful young lady I had dated every summer when she visited her grandparents. That is until the last summer when she informed me she preferred John. Hey, maybe my wife was right. John was my best friend, my co-conspirator, my accomplice. But I was never a player. Maybe John was a player. I should have asked more questions, buddy.

My parents moved from Crawfordsville following my graduation. John married a beautiful woman that I greatly admired. They married too early and she resented John maintaining relationships with old friends. Both events put a strain on our friendship. I started my “Forest Gump” march through life and, once I crossed the first bridge, did not look back.

There was a brief reunion the day following our 25th reunion. I made him promise to keep in touch and visit me. I promised to do the same. Shortly after that I crossed another bridge and, once again, did not look back. I missed our 40th reunion. Why not? We are invincible. I can wait until our 50th to see John.

Bob Stonecipher, November 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tribute to Our Class Officers

Where are our Senior Class Officers now?
This is a copy of the picture of our class officers from our 1964 yearbook. I was wondering how many still live in Crawfordsville, and what exciting things have happened in their lives? It would be great to have them add their bios to this class web page, or write a comment to this page. If you know where any of them live, would you please give them a, "Heads up"?
By the way, The Athenian (for those who do not have a copy) said, "This year the doors of CHS opened to find a new and eager senior class. For a week in October the halls of CHS were filled with "Cans" and "Mice"during senior elections. The Gold and Blue parties worked endlessly toward the final casting of ballots to select class officers.

With the class working as a unit, the senior class play, Junior and Senior banquet, and the senior picnic were very successful."
This week is another important voting week for our Country!
Get out to vote, and make your vote count.
Please continue to send your ideas and feedback to the address below. This is your page.

11/05/06 CAwebmaster

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Elaine Cary and John Michael remembered. We have Lost 33 Classmates !

October, 2011

This post has been updated to remember Elaine (Dutcher) Cary who I want to remember on this 1964 CHS Blog. Back in 2006 Elaine contacted me about the 40th Alumni Reunion and helped me buy tickets, etc. However, I was not able to attend, but she sent me a t-shirt and found a 1964 yearbook for me, because I had lost mine moving around the country. At that time, I had just set-up 3 blogs for work and my family. Elaine asked if I could set-up a site for our CHS Class to help us share information, pictures, and catch up on class news. This site has been the result of that request. One of the first post was the notice below about the passing of John Michaels, and if you read the comments on this post you will notice one of the first comments was added by Elaine. Also included in this post is a tribute to Elaine written by Ron Hummel.

Tribute to our classmate, Elaine.

High school can be a very unforgiving place to reside. Social acceptance is a very difficult situation to experience in high school. But how you deal with that type of relationship can last forever.

I had a classmate in my high school class who was always smiling and cheerful and at least to me seemed to be very happy with life although she wasn’t always treated well by her follow classmates. Now I’m NOT painting a picture that she was taunted or made fun of, that’s not the point. She many times kept to herself or a small group of friends and wasn’t always invited or asked to participate in certain social circles.

In fact while I believe that I was friendly and attempted to always say “Hi” I didn’t go out of my way either to associate with her.

When we graduated, this young lady became the seeker of all who belonged to the Class of 1964. She and Janie Jones (Jane Ryan, who produces e-mails to inform the class of upcoming events, timely messages and other notices,) another nice young lady who also had a small group of friends and while I did attempt to be nice and produce a smile when I saw her, I never really made an attempt to be in her circle of friends. Who understands what goes through the mind of an 18-year-old and their social network?

The young lady though I really want to highlight, is named Elaine Dutcher (Cary).

She sent cards on birthdays, special occasions and cards when someone from the class or loved one passed away. Now understand she didn’t just do this for her “old” group but for the entire class. Never once thinking anything about how that person treated her back in the day. She did this service, with a cheerful smile and an untiring effort for 47 years.

I had the opportunity in the summer of 2010 to return to my hometown, the thriving metropolis, Crawfordsville, Indiana and met some of my former classmates, including Elaine. Now understand that I had NEVER, NEVER attended a class reunion in the 45 years since we all graduated, with that said Jane and Elaine were the first to greet me. Both with big smiles and Elaine with that simple and sincere personality at least on this day, told a small but appreciative lie, when she stated “YOU look just like you did in high school Ron!”

We talked for many hours during that meeting and it was nice to see all my “Old” classmates.

As I left I couldn’t get over how nice, friendly and sincerely Elaine was. Oh yes the others were very kind and nice, but most I had more contact with in high school than I did with Elanie. So I was taken back that this individual who had mentioned how hard she had tried to find me and invite me to the reunions all these years. How glad she was to see me finally, all the time with a smile and a glow of sincerity in her voice.

As I headed home I realized that relationships could develop, even though one or more of the parties really doesn’t participate. I also thought how wonderful it was, that Elaine who never asked for anything, than to assist her classmates, many who never gave her the time of day and me as well who only said “hi” and maybe a smile when I saw her in the hallway, all these years was truly a “friend” who deep down inside loved HER class and her classmates, ALL of them, sincerely and with deep devotion. That is a “relationship.”

I’m saddened to report that recently and unexpectedly Elanie passed away. We have lost a very good and dear friend, which most of us, including myself, never understood we had in the first place. But I will always remember her smiling face whenever I saw her and certainly as she greeted me upon my return home.

I wish I had played a more interested part in this relationship, but it didn’t matter to Elaine she chose to continue to be a friend, a classmate even if some of us didn’t!

Good-bye Elaine, you will be missed. Now more than ever as we realize what a good and loving friend we had in “our” relationship.

The context of this “relationship” portion was part of a Mr. Motivation seminar in Jacksonville, Florida and was transcribed by Susan A. Walters, it is unedited to maintain the content as it actually was delivered by Ron Hummel (Mr. Motivation) so that it could be shared with others from the Class of 1964. It may be reproduced and permission is granted to Jane Ryan, David Walls and her family to re-post if so desired. Gerald Werksman Esq. ________________________________

Below is the original post and comments posted on

John R. Michael April 30, 1946 - March 31, 2006

John R. Michael, 59, Crawfordsville died 4:30 p.m. Friday in St. Clare Medical Center. Mr. Michael was employed in the bindery department at RR Donnelly and Sons where he has been since 1965. He was a member of The Donnelly Club and was a 1964 Crawfordsville High School graduate.
He was born April 30 1946, at Crawfordsville, to Donald Michael Sr. and Evelyn Shahan Michael. On April 5, 1996, he married Kathryn Grimes at Gatlinburg, Tenn.. She survives at Crawfordsville. Also surviving are his mother at Crawfordsville; one son, Patrick (Tonya), Crawfordsville; two daughters, Andrea Thompson, Crawfordsville and Rachel (Robert) Rasp, Brownsburg; two stepdaughters, Michelle (Tom) Norman and Jennifer Willis, both of Crawfordsville; one brother, Steven Michael, Thorntown; one half brother, Dutchie Michael, Texas; one sister, Patti (Doug) Merrill, Colfax; and seven grandchildren. His father, one brother, Mike Michael and a half sister, Peggy Grimes, are deceased.

*** Please read addition information on comment page attached to this post.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

1964 CHS Alumni; 40 Year Anniversy Party

Please send me more pictures
and bios. Feel free to make
comments on this page on
what has been going on in
C'ville, since the big 40 Party?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

1964 CHS Classmates Memorial Page

Alan Metsker; July 7, 1963
Al Cowherd; July 17, 1965

Herb Ellis; November 8, 1972

Don Birdsong; March 28, 1975

Otis Morgan; January 31, 1976

Henry Armatrout; December 7, 1979

David Zachary; February 1, 1986

Ryan Haney; August 16, 1990

Bev (Powell) Miller; August 17, 1995

Steve Macke; January 25, 1998

Janice (McCollum) Stoner; May 1998

Joe Dickerson; December 29, 2002

Ron Sperry; February 17, 2003

Sheryl (Shelton) Warford; June 23, 2003

Doris (Copas) Mings; November 5, 2003

Jim Harmon; November 6, 2003

Ray Scott; March 14, 2004

Steve Norman; March 1, 2005

Janie (Edwards) Roell; March 9, 2005

Jim Northcutt; June 8, 2005

Patty (Cord) Bond; August 27, 2005

William "Bill" King; October 25, 2005
John R. Michael; March 31,2006
Joe Donald Buckley; September 4, 2006
"Tom" Richard Stout; October 3, 2007

Mike McCluskey; January 28, 2008
Wayne C. Stockall; June 21, 2008
Benjamin Michael Pearson; October 25, 2008
Sharon L.(McCalment) Brummett; Nov.11, 2008

Mike Brenneman; July 27,2009
Barbara A. Peacock; Aug. 23, 2009
Charles L. Gardner; July 14, 2010
Richard Chapman; July 19, 2010
John Thompson; September 22, 2011
Lois Elaine (Dutcher) Carey; October 2, 2011
Diana (McGrew) Black; June 19, 2012

Mike Nicholas; April 18, 2013

Connie Montgomery (Thompson); September 4, 2013

James (Skip) Rhea; February 2, 2014

Jean Marshell Crawford; February 5, 2014

Rosemary A. Hodges (Antuna); February 24, 2014

Gary Neal; September 13, 2014

Sunday, February 05, 2006

1964 Alumni of CHS !

* (Update; July, 2010: Total # of Visits, 4,170. Total # of Page views, 14,492)

Your place on the web is now up and running ! We have now had almost 700 hits from all over the country, and the page's first comments by our alumni to share with all site visitors. Everyone can make comments on any post within the website to share information or just say, "Howdy"
I will add more pages and links after you e-mail me stories, pictures or announcements.
Remember your feedback is important and this is your page. No one is perfect, but I will do my best to make it accessible.

If you click on the, "Sitemeter" it will show you all the hits by location, world map, and summary (Showing pages hit and how long they were on the site) You can see (World Map) that we have already had hits fom all around the country ! Keep the comments coming. As with any website, make sure you "refresh" the page to see the latest entry.

CAwebmaster 2/27/2006

Sunday, January 22, 2006

< Crawfordsville, Indiana: Class of 1964 >

Welcome To Your new blogspot:
This is comments that you made on this Link:

At 7:31 PM, lee hoffman said...
lee hoffman.....1964, I agree with the senior citizens of class 1964...that life has been good. It has taken me to places that I could only dream about in 1964. Living on three different continents has been wonderful, but Crawfordsville will always be dear to me. Yes, Larry i still have another year to go before I reach senior years.
At 5:17 PM, Larry Caldwell said...
Hi Lee...not sure just when Senior status arrives. Denny's recognizes it at 55...some places it's 60, Social Security can be as early as 62, then 65, maybe older depending on when you were born. It's a crap shoot, but at 60 this past Sept., I think I'm there. I'll just cut my losses and accept it.
At 9:55 AM, Gary Garver said...
You guys ARE old...I was the youngest in the class...graduated at age 14... :)
At 2:39 PM, Larry Caldwell said...
Christ Gary, how'd you manage graduating at 14? You just smarter than the rest of us? Well, congrats to you, I didn't know that. And yip, I'm old, didn't realize I'd live this long :-)
At 12:41 PM, Gary Garver said...
Sorry, Larry...just joking. I was 17 and not smarter....just smaller.Glad you are still kicking.Is Lee Hoffman the same guy I used to know as LeRoy Hoffman?...lived in a gray house? See, my memory is gone.
At 2:30 PM, Larry Caldwell said...
I believe it is....I'll admit, I had to look his name and your's up in the yearbook. But I'm familiar with each of you now...sorry for the lapse in memory :-) I do believe it will get worse before it gets better.
At 11:05 PM, Elaine Dutcher Carey said...
I'm sure glad to know for sure that Gary Garver was only joking about graduating when he was 14!!!I knew I was never very smart in achool, but that made me feel DUMB!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

< Turning 60 (2006) >

Jan. 20, 2006

All our lives we have been called the baby boomers? Now we are blooming into senior citzenship.


Past Comments on this link (Turning 60)

Here is some comments made by classmates:

At 6:20 PM, Mike McCarthy said...
Yes turning 60 does'nt feel bad at all!! I went to the Gator Bowl and went Sking in January with our new boat. Life is good.

At 7:39 PM, Larry Caldwell said...
Yip, 60 is not as bad as I thought it would be. Who would have thought in '64 that I'd be retired as of Jul '03. Life is indeed good. Look fwd to more activity as the word gets spread around. By the way, who is the oldest in the class? Actually, I'm not a baby boomer...born in Sep '45 and the cut off I believe is Jan '46. Probably others in the same boat. But who cares....

At 8:10 PM, Elaine Carey said...
You know I have been dreading the big "60" but July will come & go & my oldest son will already be 40, so I guess it really isn't sooo badAt least both boys are gone & Steve & I have the house to our-selves. Grant will soon be 40 & is married & lives in Nashville, TN. & Greg is 35 & still single (but looking) & has his own house right here in C'ville.

At 12:04 PM, Gary Garver said...
I hope McCarthy is not skiing naked again!

At 4:11 PM, Crawfordsville said...
It is great to see more comments. We use to yell! Go Mike Go, in CHS football, track, and basketball. Some folks like me, maybe grew up wanting to be, "Like Mike" way before MJ ever played for the Bulls. Thank-you all for the comments. This webpage is for all of us, so keep your ideas coming to the solpet3 e-mail address. This is a class project, so let me know what YOU want? Thanks for the bio, Larry. I think I will set up a whole link of bio's so we can get to know each other better. By the way, Larry had another great idea. To have a link set-up for those who have passed on, lest they not be forgotten. I will need names, dates, and maybe even photos? I will start with Alan who was honored in our 64 yearbook. I knew him well, and he was a very special young man.Send me photos, bios, whatever you feel we should have on our special page.d.walls (CAwebmaster)

At 7:21 PM, Mike McCarthy said...
I like the bio thing. would like to know where everyone is and what they are doing. Enjoy reading the comments and hearing about everyone. Garver you always were a beauty! Good job David with this idea. Retired eh Larry good for you When my kids grow up maybe i will consider it !!

At 7:30 AM, Gary Garver said...
Story time...One night after b'ball practice...location CHS Boy's Gym Locker Room... Mike was getting ready to shower(Thank God ), anyway..he was sitting on the bench in just his jock strap,: for some reason I had the urge to 'snap his strap' I sneaked up behind him, leaned over and pulled the elasric on his jock as far back as I could and 'let'r rip...and ran as fast as I could the opposite direction...which was toward the stairs leading down to the courts....What was I thinking?..McCarthy 100yd dash ~10 secs, Garver 100yd dash 12+ secs...oh shit...Well the next thing i felt was Mike grabbing my shirt with one hand and my ass with the other...not sure what was going to happen but was about to find out very quickly since we were by now right at the top of the stairs...airtime....The next thing I knew, I was flying though the air and bounched off the floor at the bottom of those stairs...I was pretty sure I was not dead, but just to be sure, I played possum and Mike came down the stairs saying' Gary...are you OK?'...I still played dead. He tapped my side a few times and I started laughing...bad idea again...this time he popped me in the back of the head and left me there...but I could hear vulgar words trailing behind him. The next time I 'snapped a jock strap'...I made sure it was on someone who was not a record holder in track!

At 6:28 PM, Elaine Dutcher Carey said...
Good story Gary, I hope Mike reads it & remembers. Sounds like he would.I guess I have a story also, my very best friend, was Carol Rogers, who came to CHS in the fall after I came in the middle of the 8th grade & we had both gone to Waveland together in the 8th grade. Well, you remember how in the cold winter, they would let us wait in the gym until time for the1st class in the a.m. Anyway, she was already there with a guy she had dated recently when I came in & went over to them to say "Hi" well she introduced us & that became the END of my single days, as it happened to be Steve Carey, from the class of 1962 & Carol & I have remained "best friends" also the entire time. Let's see now, I guess that would have been late in the winter or early spring of 1961Oh my!!! That makes in almost 45 yrs ago!!! EGAD!!!!! Are we that old already??? Anyway, Steve & I are still together, raised 2 sons that are now 39 & 35. The 39 yr old is married, & just celebrated their 8th anniversary, & they live in Nashville, TN. The 35 yr old is still single & LOOKING-He works right here in C'ville for RRD & Sons. He has written several of his own songs & lyrics, goes to clubs, etc. but he doesn't drink, smoke, nor does he do drugs of any kind. He goes to the clubs for the music only & perhaps hoping to find the "right one"Steve & I own our own home. It is a 3 bdrm brick ranch, south of town, fairly close to the airport.We moved out here in 1987 & we have about 3acres & 2 siberian huskies.Well, anyone with more stories???